Dr. Eric Coffman
Board Certified Addiction Medicine & Family Practice Specialist at Detox Expert
Dr. Eric Coffman has been working in the field of medical detoxification for over 25 years. A highly recognized and experienced physician, Dr. Coffman provides discreet detoxification services for CEOs, executives, athletes, and other professionals at Detox Expert. He also provides individual treatment for people from all walks of life. In addition to detoxification, he also helps people recover from addiction-related illnesses such as liver disease.
Dr. Coffman’s primary services include:
- Concierge medical services where Dr. Coffman serves as your personal doctor, providing you with direct access to him whenever you have a question or concern. This service also includes support for family members who want to aid in the recovery process.
- A standard, cost-effective detoxification program that includes the use of Medication Assisted Treatment and anti-craving medicine.
With his decades of experience in the field of addiction medicine, Dr. Coffman has forged strong relationships with rehabilitation centers and other medical professionals who can aid in a patient’s recovery. He provides his patients with the appropriate referrals as needed.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Coffman, contact Detox Expert, located in Farmington Hills, at (800) 899-4904 today.
Hour Detroit's Top Docs
Dr. Coffman is honored to be selected for inclusion in Hour Detriot magazine's Top Docs, published in October 2018. This honor is based on a vote by approximately 23,000 physicians in metropolitan Detroit and cannot be purchased by any doctor.